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Hotel Il Sereno

INDOOR | Handknotted

The knotting technique is a completely manual method, by which the yarn is firmly attached to the warp by knots. The type of knot and its thickness differentiate the types of rugs made with this elaborate manual method. The value, quality and durability of the rug are directly proportional to the number of knots employed.
The hand knotting allows for complex designs, its main characteristics are meticulous workmanship, the high number of knots per square metre and the wide range of colour combinations.
Indotibetan hand knotting technique is particular, brought to India by Tibetan refugees, while the “sumak” knotting technique has Persian origins.


INDOOR | Handtufted

Handtufted rugs might have the look and feel of hand knotted carpets but are technically less complex, the pile yarn is wrapped around the cotton warp threads instead of being knotted. With the aid of a special needle, the craftsman threads and tufts (cuts) the weft into a woven base onto which the design has previously been transferred.
The weft is then fixed to the base with a coating of natural latex on the reverse of the carpet, which is then covered with a layer of heavy cotton canvas. The handtufted technique is suitable for intricate designs. Handtufted carpets are extremely durable despite being less labour intensive than knotted carpets.

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INDOOR | Dhurries

A dhurrie rug is a form of hand weaving very similar to “kilim” made exclusively of warp and weft, woven and not knotted. It is also called “flat weave”. The pattern or design is created solely by the weft which covers the warp. It does not allow for complicated patterns or textured surfaces as the other techniques do. This may at first appear as a limitation. But we have evolved the original technique by introducing additional threads to the basic wool weft (low-pile). The pattern is produced by this secondary high pile in viscose. The carpet is backed with the same latex and cotton canvas method as the hand tufted carpets.


INDOOR | Handloom

'Handloom ' is a type of rugs whose production is made on a loom by entirely manual weaving operations . The set of processes makes possible a great variety of patterns and complex manufactures which can rarely be replicated on automatic looms . The design of each new carpet is reworked by our weavers, to which follows the dyeing and the positioning of the yarns in the warp and weft according to the models designed by the designers . For Warli ' handloom ' is synonym of  rugs with innovative and functional design, made according to a distinctive language of rigorous style, formal use of the color and quality of production. 

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